
New York City, NY

March 8-10, 2024 


Engineering + Life Sciences

St. Paul, MN

Sept. 27-29, 2024



New York City, NY

Oct. 25-27, 2024


Fall Conference Applications


More information about Out for Undergrad and our fall conferences (Digital and Engineering + Life Sciences) can be found here. Please visit our FAQ page for more information. 



The application for our fall conferences has closed.

Application decisions will be released on a rolling basis. If you don't hear back after the round in which you applied, you may still be accepted after the final round. We aim to have all admissions decisions sent out by June or July.


Please contact our admissions teams: 

Engineering + Life Sciences:

Application Essay Questions

Engineering + Life Sciences 2024

  • We hope that the O4U Engineering + Life Science Conference will be an opportunity for learning and growth as participants encounter others who bring vastly different backgrounds and lived experiences. With this in mind, please describe a time you were forced to challenge your existing beliefs (political, religious, personal, etc.). What did you learn? (1200 character limit)
  • Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant opportunity (personal, educational, or professional) or worked to overcome a barrier you have faced. How did this impact you, and how have you used this experience to expand opportunities or remove barriers in your community? (1200 character limit)
    • Examples: summer training program/internship, research opportunities, studying/volunteering abroad, participating in programs for underrepresented communities, etc.
  • If interested in the O4U Life Sciences Pilot: Why do you want to participate in the O4U Life Sciences Pilot? (1200 character limit)
    • Some prompts to get you thinking: How would attending O4U make a difference in helping you achieve your professional or personal goals? What do you hope to gain from the speakers, professionals, recruiters and your fellow attendees? What can you contribute to the event?
  • If only interested in O4U Engineering: Why do you want to attend the O4U Engineering Conference? (1200 character limit)
    • Some prompts to get you thinking: How would attending O4U make a difference in helping you achieve your professional or personal goals? What do you hope to gain from the speakers, professionals, recruiters and your fellow attendees? What can you contribute to the event?

Digital 2024

  • How do you believe participating in this conference will contribute to your professional growth in tech, media and marketing? (1200 character limit)
    • Consider: Class projects, personal projects, social media, internships, community involvement, volunteer work, academic studies
  • What piece of technology OR media/marketing campaign is meaningful to you, and why? (1200 character limit)
    • Your response can be tied to your identities, life experiences, interests, and values.
    • Consider the following prompts: Is there a personal connection or experience that strengthens your attachment to it? In what ways does it influence or impact your life? Does it resonate with broader societal trends or values that hold significance for you? Does it inspire or contribute to your mission in life?

Business 2024

  • Queerness is a monolithic term that may not fully capture you and your aspirations. Describe how you engage, or plan to engage, with queerness in your own life and in your career. How would attending the O4U Business Conference benefit these goals, identity development, etc.? Note: Your answer may include concepts around business, politics, culture, etc. (Limit 1500 characters or 375 words)
  • You are leading a startup with unlimited funding. Develop a comprehensive business plan that articulates your strategic approach and includes a section on how you would thoughtfully integrate Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) considerations into your overall framework. Address possible challenges tied to both your business strategy and effectively implementing DEI values. Feel free to incorporate lessons from personal experience and/or leaders and businesses you admire. (Limit 3000 characters or 750 words)