The Out for Undergrad Consultancy was introduced in 2024, emerging out of 20 years of working directly with leading corporate recruiters and over 8,000 high-achieving undergraduates who have attended O4U Conferences. Our consulting practice embeds our collaborative research with Out Leadership entitled Out to Succeed 2.0: Realizing the Full Potential of LGBTQ+ Talent, the largest-ever global survey conducted of the LGBTQ+ workforce. 


Our consulting work helps companies tap into the strengths of their human resource and culture strategies so people feel the greatest sense of connection, are engaged, and feel that they belong. Past engagements include Applied Materials, Sandia National Laboratories, and T. Rowe Price. We are happy to create custom engagements or work with you to discover which level of investment is right for your needs.


"There is organizational tension between the values of inclusion and the reality of inclusion. Leveraging this tension to create positive outcomes requires individual and collective reflection on deeply held beliefs and assumptions and accepted or ‘taken for granted’ ways of operating.  These views influence how employees, volunteers and other stakeholders think, what they do and how they interact. We believe reflection begins best with rigorous self-assessment  Organizational culture reform grows out of that reflection or the story that we create about ourselves.” - Dr. Cindi Love

Partnership Opportunities


We believe rigorous self-assessment is at the core of cultural change.  Our methodology includes use of the peer-reviewed assessments, Mental Models Mapping, and structured stakeholder interviews.

Knowledge Transfer & Roadmapping 

Our assessments conclude with a formal report to the Board and/or C-Suite including sessions with key leaders charged with socializing the change and implementation of a comprehensive strategy. We co-create a roadmap for implementation with these stakeholders and are available for on-going support during the implementation phase. 

students and sponsors talking

Supporting from the Classroom to the Boardroom

Our team can provide substantive insight and recommendations regarding your process of identifying, recruiting, and hiring high-potential candidates. These processes are part of improving your odds of retention and advancement. This work looks at the entire ecosystem of attracting high-potential talent. We explore how these employees are supported throughout their experience with the organization. This work also involves assessment based on the research Out to Succeed 2.0 and our understanding and application of the neuroscience of empathy and how lack of empathy creates barriers to performance. 


Raising Awareness 

Our team is also available for 1 hour to half-day workshops, small and large group presentations, and keynote addresses on topics of interest to Employee Resource Groups (ERGs), Pride groups, human resource and recruiting teams, and senior leaders wanted to catalyze improvement in inclusion and organizational performance.  

Custom Engagements

We are happy to work one-on-one with your team to create a custom engagement based on the needs of your organization. We also offer individual consultation and support for executives and members of the C-Suite on the implementation of key initiatives and how to navigate challenges.


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